Andrews Dispute Resolution is committed to reducing its website carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions by participating in Tree-Nation’s Offset Website service CO2 focused solution. My website’s Offset Website label, CO2 Neutral Website, automatically compensates all the CO2 emissions my website generates by calculating my website’s emissions based on the number of visits it receives. Tree-Nation then plants the trees needed to offset them.
Generally, every action that is carried out online releases a few grams of CO2 into the atmosphere. Certain actions, such as cloud computing and video conferencing, especially high definition, contribute to higher internet power consumption than others, such as audio or messaging conferencing.
Because many factors influence the amount of CO2 a tree can capture, such as its species, variety, region and climate where it’s planted, among other factors, Tree-Nation has developed their own method to provide a CO2 value per unique tree so they can link my support to both CO2 and trees. Their estimates are meant to be cautious and by design slightly lower than actual figures so that I can claim the offset values with peace of mind.
Andrews Dispute Resolution also plants trees around the world by participating in Tree-Nation’s Plant Trees tree focused solution.
You can learn more by visiting The Forest of Andrews Dispute Resolution here.