As a signatory and Advisory Group member of the World Mediators Alliance on Climate Change (WoMACC) Mediators Green Pledge, I am enthusiastic to share information about our events celebrating Earth Day 2022.
WoMACC invites mediators to become signatories of the Mediators Green Pledge to join a group of mediators from across the globe who are committed to addressing climate concerns in the work that we do. By joining together and encouraging others to make the same commitment, we aspire to make a meaningful difference.
On Thursday 28 (1830 UK time) and Friday 29 April (0730 UK time) 2022, we are hosting events for our signatories to celebrate Earth Day. As with previous events, there will be outstanding speakers (this year, keynote address by Noam Ebner, Professor of Negotiation and Conflict Resolution, Creighton University, Department of Interdisciplinary Studies, and interview with Ber Barry Murray, President, Mediators’ Institute of Ireland), and plenty of opportunity for signatories to contribute to the discussions.
These events are open to signatories only, so please first become a signatory here, then register for our Earth Day events that are open to all signatories here. The outline programme for the events can be found here.
We look forward to you joining us!